domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009

Berthold Langguth- Nuevo invitado extranjero

Durante la XX Semana Nacional de Lucha Contra la Sordera, hemos invitado y nos brindara una conferencia el Dr. Berthold Langguth, médico de la Universidad de Regensburg, Alemania,

Allí se desempeña como director del “Centro de Acúfenos”, que es parte del Departamento de Psiquiatría Psicosomática y Psicoterapia del Hospital de Distrito de la Universidad de Regensburg.

El objetivo del Centro de acúfenos en la Universidad de Ratisbona (Regensburg) es lograr el mejor tratamiento de cada paciente con acúfenos, y una mejor comprensión de los acúfenos y el desarrollo de nuevas opciones de tratamiento,

Realizando allí un tratamiento interdisciplinario de acúfenos en el Centro de Investigación de la Universidad de Ratisbona sobre la base de una amplia cooperación entre el Departamento de Otorrinolaringología y el Departamento de Psiquiatría Psicosomática y Psicoterapia.

El Dr. Berthold Langghut, también es director de la TRI (Tinnitus Research Initiative) que es una organización privada dedicada al desarrollo de tratamientos efectivos para todo tipo de acúfenos, de modo que todos los pacientes que lo sufren puedan beneficiarse y obtener alivio de su sintomatología.

Se detallan mas abajo los trabajos mas recientes del Dr. Berthold Langguth, quien en nuestro Congreso hablará sobre su experiencia en el tratamiento de “Estimulación Magnética Transcraneana para pacientes con Acúfenos”

• 2009: Langguth Berthold; Eichhammer Peter; Pickert Karin; Frank Ulrike; Perna Martin; Landgrebe Michael; Frick Ulrich; Hajak Goeran; Sand Philipp
Stable motor cortex excitability in red and green lighting conditions.
Neuroscience letters 2009;460(1):32-5.
• 2009: Langguth Berthold; Sand Philipp; Marek Roger; Landgrebe Michael; Frank Elmar; Hajak Göran; Eichhammer Peter
Allelic variation in the serotonin transporter promoter modulates cortical excitability.
Biological psychiatry 2009;66(3):283-6.
• 2009: Frick U; Eichhammer P; Langguth B; Hajak G; Landgrebe M
Research letter: Electrosensitives and perception of magnetic pulses.
Psychological medicine 2009;39(6):1050-2.
• 2009: Landgrebe Michael; Langguth Berthold; Rosengarth Katharina; Braun Susanne; Koch Amelie; Kleinjung Tobias; May Arne; de Ridder Dirk; Hajak Goeran
Structural brain changes in tinnitus: grey matter decrease in auditory and non-auditory brain areas.
NeuroImage 2009;46(1):213-8.
• 2009: Kleinjung Tobias; Steffens Thomas; Landgrebe Michael; Vielsmeier Veronika; Frank Elmar; Hajak Göran; Strutz Juergen; Langguth Berthold
Levodopa does not enhance the effect of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in tinnitus treatment.
Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2009;140(1):92-5.
• 2009: Landgrebe Michael; Frick Ulrich; Hauser Simone; Hajak Goeran; Langguth Berthold
Association of tinnitus and electromagnetic hypersensitivity: hints for a shared pathophysiology?
PloS one 2009;4(3):e5026.
• 2008: Langguth Berthold; Landgrebe Michael; Hajak Göran; Kleinjung Tobias
Re: Maintenance repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation can inhibit the return of tinnitus.
The Laryngoscope 2008;118(12):2264; author reply 2264-5.
• 2008: Landgrebe M; Frick U; Hauser S; Langguth B; Rosner R; Hajak G; Eichhammer P
Cognitive and neurobiological alterations in electromagnetic hypersensitive patients: results of a case-control study.
Psychological medicine 2008;38(12):1781-91.
• 2008: Langguth B; Eichhammer P; Zowe M; Landgrebe M; Binder H; Sand P; Hajak G
Modulating cerebello-thalamocortical pathways by neuronavigated cerebellar repetitive transcranial stimulation (rTMS).
Neurophysiologie clinique = Clinical neurophysiology 2008;38(5):289-95.
• 2008: Del Bo Luca; Forti Stella; Ambrosetti Umberto; Costanzo Serena; Mauro Davide; Ugazio Gregorio; Langguth Berthold; Mancuso Antonio
Tinnitus aurium in persons with normal hearing: 55 years later.
Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2008;139(3):391-4.
• 2008: Landgrebe Michael; Nyuyki Kewir; Frank Elmar; Steffens Thomas; Hauser Simone; Eichhammer Peter; Hajak Goran; Langguth Berthold
Effects of colour exposure on auditory and somatosensory perception--hints for cross-modal plasticity.
Neuro endocrinology letters 2008;29(4):518-21.
• 2008: Landgrebe Michael; Barta Winfried; Rosengarth Katharina; Frick Ulrich; Hauser Simone; Langguth Berthold; Rutschmann Roland; Greenlee Mark W; Hajak Goeran; Eichhammer Peter
Neuronal correlates of symptom formation in functional somatic syndromes: a fMRI study.
NeuroImage 2008;41(4):1336-44.
• 2008: Kleinjung Tobias; Eichhammer Peter; Landgrebe Michael; Sand Philipp; Hajak Goeran; Steffens Thomas; Strutz Juergen; Langguth Berthold
Combined temporal and prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus treatment: a pilot study.
Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2008;138(4):497-501.
• 2008: Figueiredo Ricardo Rodrigues; Langguth Berthold; Mello de Oliveira Patricia; Aparecida de Azevedo Andréia
Tinnitus treatment with memantine.
Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2008;138(4):492-6.
• 2008: Langguth Berthold; Eichhammer Peter; Spranz Claus; Landgrebe Michael; Frick Ulrich; Sand Philipp; Hajak Göran
Modulation of human motor cortex excitability by quetiapine.
Psychopharmacology 2008;196(4):623-9.
• 2008: Sand Philipp G; Langguth Berthold; Prikryl Radovan; Kucerova Hana; Ceskova Eva
A putative DRD3 schizophrenia risk haplotype deconstructed.
Biological psychiatry 2008;63(3):e21; author reply e23-5.
• 2008: Langguth Berthold; Kleinjung Tobias; Frank Elmar; Landgrebe Michael; Sand Philipp; Dvorakova Jana; Frick Ulrich; Eichhammer Peter; Hajak Göran
High-frequency priming stimulation does not enhance the effect of low-frequency rTMS in the treatment of tinnitus.
Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale 2008;184(4):587-91.
• 2008: Kleinjung Tobias; Vielsmeier Veronika; Landgrebe Michael; Hajak Göran; Langguth Berthold
Transcranial magnetic stimulation: a new diagnostic and therapeutic tool for tinnitus patients.
The international tinnitus journal 2008;14(2):112-8.
• 2008: Landgrebe Michael; Binder Harald; Koller Michael; Eberl Yvonne; Kleinjung Tobias; Eichhammer Peter; Graf Erika; Hajak Goeran; Langguth Berthold
Design of a placebo-controlled, randomized study of the efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of chronic tinnitus.
BMC psychiatry 2008;8():23.

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